Eye Examinations

We use the Marco TRS5100 digital refraction system. This system allows us to quickly and efficiently determine the most accurate prescription to provide you with clear, crisp vision at all distances.

We recently added an Optos Retinal Imaging System to our practice. This incredible device allows us to take wide-field, high resolution photographs of the inside of the eyes without the need for dilation drops or side effects after the examination. This system allows us to view most of the retina without dilation drops, and can catch early retinal pathology before it becomes a more serious issue. Although it is not a complete substitute for dilation, it is a great option for some patients, particularly if they want to avoid the side effects and added exam time from dilation. Ask about the Optos camera and discuss with Dr. Gilmartin if this option is right for you.

Eye Health
The best approach to overall health is the preventative one, and eye health is no exception. Diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, hypertensive eye disease (from high blood pressure), and others, are often discovered during routine eye examinations. In many cases, the diseases progress without any apparent symptoms, and can cause damage in all areas of the body for years, if left unchecked.
For the best prevention, the American Optometric Association recommends adults, without eye problems, be examined at least once every 2 years, and those 61 and older, be examined annually. Patients with chronic eye conditions, or other risk factors, should be examined more frequently. Sometimes, this can be an annual check, but may be even more frequent, depending on the circumstances.
Reasons to schedule an eye exam:
Preventative checks for adults and seniors, even if they have no visual complaints or don't wear glasses
Preventative checks for children entering school
Get a prescription for glasses or contact lenses
Address a medical complaint such as dry eyes, itchy eyes, red eyes, blurry vision, etc
Diabetic and/or hypertension retinal checks
If you want to renew your contact lens prescription, or be fitted for contacts
Routine Vision Examinations
Even People who don't wear glasses or contact lenses will benefit from getting their eyes checked every year. There are many eye conditions that produce few or no symptoms, such as small holes in the retina, glaucoma, lazy eye (in children), diabetic or hypertensive retinal changes, cataract, and others. These conditions can be managed well, and permanent damage can usually be avoided, but only if caught early. There are numerous diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc, that can be detected in the eyes, sometimes far earlier than in other parts of the body. Having your eyes checked regularly will ensure that you catch problems early, before they have a chance to do irreversible harm.
If you wear contact lenses, or if you wish to be fitted for contacts, you will need a comprehensive eye exam to ensure that it is safe for you to wear contact lenses. The exam will also determine which contact lens options are suitable for your eyes. Please note that contact lens fittings are separate services from a general eye exam. The cost of a contact lens fitting varies, depending on the complexity of your prescription and the type of lens design that is chosen. Please feel free to call our office to inquire about what types of contact lenses may be right for you.
Childrens' Eye Examinations
Children will rarely complain of blurry vision, even if one eye is very blurry relative to the other. This is because, to them, their vision is normal. It's what they're used to. A condition called "amblyopia" is often referred to as "lazy eye." This condition affects a small number of children, but if missed, it can lead to permanent vision loss that cannot be corrected with glasses. The treatment for amblyopia varies, but often involves wearing glasses, wearing a temporary patch over one eye for a few hours per day, and in some cases, eye drops. If caught early, amblyopia and other eye conditions that affect children, can be treated effectively and vision can develop normally.
Even if your child is not complaining of difficulty seeing or reading, it is a good idea to have his or her visual system checked for problems, so issues can be found early, if they are present. At your child's exam, we will review the health of their visual system, identify any problems, and let you know the best course of action going forward.